Sunday, December 21, 2008

Worshipping Together - Apart

The world seems so quiet blanketed in a white layer of snow and ice. No cars, no place to go, no deadlines. I have a pause in my life today. What will I do with it? I will be honest with you, I sat in bed and was making a list of all the things that I am behind on. Time to get caught up! But I don't want to miss out on what God has for me!

Today God has given me the opportunity to rest and worship. During this advent season we want to worship Christ fully. Today we worship together even as we are scattered all over. For me, worship has taken the form of quietness before God. A heart of thankfulness for all I have and not a concern for all I need.

Today we can worship as a real church together - apart - much like the first century church.

I want to give you a word to contemplate: Hope.

Our God is a God of Hope.

Stay warm, stay safe, and lets worship Christ fully together - apart.