What a great day! Both services really encouraged me. I can see God moving in so many ways. You know it is not so much God moving over all of us but God moving uniquely in individual lives and all that combined makes this great musical of God's love- I know that is a little cheesy- but I think you get the point.
I really enjoy team teaching. I can see the truth and the power of God's word touch others and touch me. This week seemed to be all about different relationships. I had so many different opportunities to see the great need people have. I know God can help them if they just open themselves up to him. Some people were open to hear about how much God cares about them and some people were closed off by fear and pain. My heart breaks for them, but I keep my eyes open for opportunities.
I really enjoy team teaching. I can see the truth and the power of God's word touch others and touch me. This week seemed to be all about different relationships. I had so many different opportunities to see the great need people have. I know God can help them if they just open themselves up to him. Some people were open to hear about how much God cares about them and some people were closed off by fear and pain. My heart breaks for them, but I keep my eyes open for opportunities.
I had a this great moment on Friday I stopped by to see a friend -from real life- and he was telling me about this person who was in great need and how he listened to God and simply responded to meet the need. As it turned out, I was able to meet this person and see first hand how this act of compassion opened this person up to God's Love. Way Cool to see God move.
Everyone is seeking something - check out the picture. Keep being Real. God is using everyday people to do extraordinary things. God is Good. Jeff