You might have noticed that bright orb in the sky- we haven't seen it in a while. Isn't it interesting how something so far away can effect (is it effect or affect I seem to always get it wrong) us in so many ways. People are out walking around, waving at the neighbors, or just sitting staring at the bright orb with there eyes closed. The sun makes us feel good. But just you wait, those same people will be complaining about how hot it is and when are we going to get some rain cause my lawn is dying? It is a close margin from cold to comfortable to hot.
I think how we treat each other is kinda like that. We can be too distant and cold or we can be overbearing and hot. But everyone, and I do mean everyone, is looking for the warmth of true love and friendship. I think maybe God wants RLCC to be like this nice spring day: warm and inviting - touching everyone. Well.... let your love shine for all the world to see.
Really enjoying the rays at Real Life