Monday, October 15, 2007


Yesterday Was Great.
I had a hard day... my brain was running at about 40% but God always seems to make up the difference, well, all of it actually. Anyway I am living today blessed, holding on to all God has for me. I want to bless others this week. I received an email from someone at Real Life and I wanted to pass it on to you. I also want to challenge you to pray a blessing on others. We can change our world.

The prayer: Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

Pray For the people in your life expecting God to work in their life because He will.

Livin Real, Livin Blessed