It has taken me all day to blog. I tried a couple of times but it just didn't work for me. I am deep in my message prep about our destiny is Christ. I thought a lot about it. The question of why kept coming back to me- how powerful it is when I can see the why for my life. Why am I hear? The direction and purpose for my life is right there for me but I have to take ownership of it. When I do, it changes my experience on this road of life completely, not the road but me on the road... how I look at life... how I live it, love it, do it. My soul longs for something that brings relevance to my life and my struggles.
It is like the fast- why sacrifice if it does not lead to anything? When we catch a glimpse of the life God has for us the hard stuff is still there but you do it with purpose and that changes the experience completely. Life is not mundane, life is exhilarating - a life of destiny.