Thursday, January 17, 2008

Looking Ahead

January is a time for me to look ahead. What is it that I want to be able to look back next year and see? The things that I really put my focus on tend to be the things that actually get done.

So what is it that I want in the new year?

1-Connect with an increasing # of people who are far from God.
2-Engage more people in serving others at Real Life
3-Provide opportunity for people to grow together
4-Grow the Real Life Family
5-Encourage everyone to trust God with their finances
6-Follow God's vision with reckless abandon

Just a few things but what would happen if we accomplished all of these?

I know God is Big enough. I know we are on the right track. I know that now is the time. So here we go - are you with me? Are you ready to have your life blessed like never before?
God is up to something Good!