Friday, March 7, 2008

Taking a look around

Sometimes I get real focused on what I am doing. It's like tunnel vision but it effects my hearing as well. I just don't see or hear stuff around me or people for that matter. What would happen if a took greater interest in what is around me? Good question!

I am preparing for this week's message on blessing... it started me thinking, do I get tunnel vision with God? Am I missing out on God's blessing or simply failing to recognize his blessing in my life?

I think it is the later that God blesses and I just keep on walking and fail to praise him for all the good he is doing. Or worse yet - I fail to receive his blessing... bummer.

What about other people, am I blessing people around me? Do I miss the opportunity or simply fail to see it? Maybe I am blessing others, maybe I am touching others but fail to recognize the significance in it. Take a look around. God's blessing is everywhere.

Help is on the way... see you Sunday