Tuesday, July 1, 2008

EXPECTING without expectations

That says it all for me. I am expecting God to hear me and to speak to me, but I am removing my expectations of what that will be. I don't want to miss out because I am too focused on one thing.

I have been praying that God would remove these barriers from me so I can hear him:
1. a cluttered mind
2. a spirit of doubt
3. weariness
4. a spirit of expectancy

I know God is hearing me because my mind is more open to him. I have no doubt he will speak, the weariness is slowly fading, and I am excited about what he will say to me. I am half way there!

I have been impressed with the thought of how much God reaches out to me. He is always initiating the conversation. God seeks me out. God is calling my name. He knows me.
I think I get some of this. God wants to be in relationship with me. A deep, close, and personal relationship.

God can hear me - and I can hear him.

See you Sunday... I can't wait for what God is going to do and say!