Saturday, October 4, 2008


This week as a community of Christ followers, we are looking to God to reveal himself to each of us in remarkable ways. Here are some suggested readings in God's word to help us along the way.


Explore John’s portrayal of some of the special aspects of the character or work of Jesus.

1. Son of God 1:1-14
2. Son of Man 2:1-10
3. Divine Teacher 3:2-21
4. Soul Winner 4:7-29
5. Great Physician 5:1-9
6. Bread of Life 6: 32-58
7. Water of Life 7:37
8. Defender of the Weak 8:3-11
9. Light of the World 9:1-39
10. Good Shepherd 10:1-16
11. Prince of Life 11:1-44
12. King 2:12-15
13. Servant 13:1-10
14. Councilor 14:1-3
15. True Vine 15:1-16
16. Giver of the Holy Spirit 16:1-15
17. Prays on our Behalf 17:1-26
18. Model in Suffering 18:1-11
19. Uplifted Savior 19:16-19
20. Conqueror of Death 20:1-31
21. Restorer 21:1-17