Sunday, December 21, 2008

Worshipping Together - Apart

The world seems so quiet blanketed in a white layer of snow and ice. No cars, no place to go, no deadlines. I have a pause in my life today. What will I do with it? I will be honest with you, I sat in bed and was making a list of all the things that I am behind on. Time to get caught up! But I don't want to miss out on what God has for me!

Today God has given me the opportunity to rest and worship. During this advent season we want to worship Christ fully. Today we worship together even as we are scattered all over. For me, worship has taken the form of quietness before God. A heart of thankfulness for all I have and not a concern for all I need.

Today we can worship as a real church together - apart - much like the first century church.

I want to give you a word to contemplate: Hope.

Our God is a God of Hope.

Stay warm, stay safe, and lets worship Christ fully together - apart.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So Ric wanted me to be his friend on facebook... well to do that I had to open an account. (check it out here) So they want a picture and info about who you are and all that kind of stuff. So I did it. Next thing I know I get about 20 emails saying all these people want to be my friend. HEY I am popular- who new? Weird how an email saying someone wants to be your friend in cyberspace can make you feel good.

Do you know what it REVEALED to me? We all hunger for connection, for community. That is God's design for all of us to be in connection with Him and with each other. I want Real Life to be a face to face not cyberspace facebook. (Wow, there's a lot of "face" in that sentence but you get it right?).

I love reading the devotionals and the blogs from people. I feel connected- face to face- if you know what I mean. When we share in the fast next week (whether you fast food of something else) we will be doing it together in community- face to face. We really are living out the "Acts Church" life- all out for God and each other.

Just real 24/7/365

Monday, October 27, 2008

Walking a new road - GRACE

I was reflecting today on Paul's encounter with God on the road that changed his life. We can have a wrong image of God and that can lead us down a wrong road. I so hunger for God to continue to reveal himself to me. It seems that I need that continually or I find myself inserting my made up reflection of God and that can lead me down a wrong road.

I am so glad that we are doing this together. I can't wait for next week when we will have devotions written by many of you. And the fast is coming YEAH!!! No, really.

Plan on coming to Neewollah for some fun this Friday (and candy) --- the fast is coming.

see you then

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Getting connected in community

Part of the goal of the Reveal series is to allow God to reveal himself in our lives in community. We want to do this together. On Sunday night, the 19th, we are have a gathering called "Talk about it". If you feel a little disconnected, looking to get to know some people better or desire to hear what God is doing at Real Life and in the lives of people; man, let me tell ya, don't miss out on this!

I can feel disconnected. I want to get to know some people better- soooo I really need you! So come on help a brother out, ok? I don't want to go through life alone. I want to share this amazing crazy journey. I NEED YOU! No guilt though, ok? I don't want to whine! I am just passionate about what God is doing. Can't wait to get together.

P.S. I am bringing some killer Chili. (mild, I have a delicate palette)

See you there

P.S.S. The picture doesn't really match what I'm talking about, but I think it's cute- My baby girl is growing up.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


This week as a community of Christ followers, we are looking to God to reveal himself to each of us in remarkable ways. Here are some suggested readings in God's word to help us along the way.


Explore John’s portrayal of some of the special aspects of the character or work of Jesus.

1. Son of God 1:1-14
2. Son of Man 2:1-10
3. Divine Teacher 3:2-21
4. Soul Winner 4:7-29
5. Great Physician 5:1-9
6. Bread of Life 6: 32-58
7. Water of Life 7:37
8. Defender of the Weak 8:3-11
9. Light of the World 9:1-39
10. Good Shepherd 10:1-16
11. Prince of Life 11:1-44
12. King 2:12-15
13. Servant 13:1-10
14. Councilor 14:1-3
15. True Vine 15:1-16
16. Giver of the Holy Spirit 16:1-15
17. Prays on our Behalf 17:1-26
18. Model in Suffering 18:1-11
19. Uplifted Savior 19:16-19
20. Conqueror of Death 20:1-31
21. Restorer 21:1-17

Friday, October 3, 2008

Lessons from the trail

WOW! Hells canyon was awesome. That was the toughest trip I have ever been on.

You can learn a lot through difficulty. When you are in unknown territory, you have to follow a trail. Water- it seems so simple but run out of it and it becomes the biggest thing on your mind. I am so glad I was not alone, the truth is I would not of made it home by myself! Life is meant to be shared, our faith journey is meant to be shared.

In the coming weeks I invite you to join me in community as we ask God to reveal Himself to us. When God reveals Himself, He also reveals things about ourselves- unknown territory.

What do you want God to reveal to you about Himself?
What do you want God to reveal to you about youself?

Are you ready to experience something great? Then lets head into unknown territory and allow God to REVEAL.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why blog???

I don't like to type. My verbal skills are better than my writing skills (that's P.C. for "I am a lousy writer!") I tend to think and talk about many things at once. This makes it hard to write something that makes sense to anyone else but me. So why blog?

Big question.

I guess I am writing this for a very simple reason, I don't want to be alone. I want to be connected at some level with you all in this amazing crazy faith journey.

This summer has been awesome!! I really mean that. Both for Real Life and for me personally but it has also cost me. You know what I mean. You start feeling like you are a little stretched.

So I want to be more connected. It is my responsibility to reach out. So I blog. It is not the be all end all... Who knows if anyone besides Ric will even read it? (Ric edits me so I don't sound stupid - thanks Ric... no problem, Jeff) But it is me reaching out - reaching for connection - opening up so God can do something outrageous. God always over delivers!!! Just look at this amazing place called Real Life where I can blog about blogging.

We shot this week's episode of Mythbusters - funny stuff. We sure have some creative people around here! (Or are they just warped? I may not be the best person to decide that!) I like hearing about your journey too. You can do that on the "my experience" page on the website.

It's not the "be all end all" of connection either, but hey, it is a start! Who knows what outrageous thing God has in store for you.

talk some more soon
I'm out

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

EXPECTING without expectations

That says it all for me. I am expecting God to hear me and to speak to me, but I am removing my expectations of what that will be. I don't want to miss out because I am too focused on one thing.

I have been praying that God would remove these barriers from me so I can hear him:
1. a cluttered mind
2. a spirit of doubt
3. weariness
4. a spirit of expectancy

I know God is hearing me because my mind is more open to him. I have no doubt he will speak, the weariness is slowly fading, and I am excited about what he will say to me. I am half way there!

I have been impressed with the thought of how much God reaches out to me. He is always initiating the conversation. God seeks me out. God is calling my name. He knows me.
I think I get some of this. God wants to be in relationship with me. A deep, close, and personal relationship.

God can hear me - and I can hear him.

See you Sunday... I can't wait for what God is going to do and say!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Doing a great thing

We are doing a great thing as a church. I really mean it, we are doing a great thing. God is using us to tear down walls, heal broken hearts, and bring hope and life. We are doing a great thing.

I am in Kansas City at a meeting about growing churches. Talking about you all - you are amazing; every one of you. You are open and honest and authentic. I love you guys!!!
I look to the summer and the opportunities to do a great thing with God and the opportunity is right there. I don't want to miss out on a single moment God has for us.

You are vital to this great thing. Every one of you. Will you allow God to stretch you? To use you?

Together, we are doing a great thing.
Neh. 6:3

Friday, May 2, 2008


I am so jazzed about baptism this Sunday. Do you want to know why? Well do ya?!? It is a celebration of what God can do. He changes hearts and lives. I know for many people the enemy of every man (the devil) can cause confusion about baptism.

Let me state in a simple way what baptism is:

IT IS... a celebration of your choice to trust God with your life and follow Him.
IT IS... obedience to God's word (the Bible) - He asked us to do it and He did it himself.
IT IS... Your public statement of God's goodness in you.

IT IS NOT... about religion or the church.
IT IS NOT... something you wait to do until your life is perfect. (sorry but that day will never come this side of heaven)

It is such a privilege to be in a place where we openly celebrate God's Grace. (His forgiveness and goodness in our lives)

I want to encourage everyone, if you have not been baptized then Sunday is a great day to do it. Be of great courage, God loves you! If you have been far from God and have come back to Him, then celebrate the fresh new beginning God has given you.

One thing I love is when people who have been used of God to help someone draw close to Him come into the pool to help in baptism. We celebrate together.

Let's celebrate what God is doing with reckless abandon... Let's hold nothing back.

Let the old life fade away and the extraordinary Life God is creating in you come out.

Can't wait!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Extraordinary Life

God has really been stretching me during this series. It seems each week I am faced with the choice to choose the ordinary life or the extraordinary life God has created me to live... it really is a choice... Will I rejoice? Will I be generous? Will I forgive? It is always a choice. Everyday I have to choose. The reality is once you've tasted the extraordinary life nothing else will satisfy.

I hope God is giving you opportunities to choose as well. It may not be easy, but oh what a life it is to live it full out with God. I can never go back, this is just too good.

Thanks for being such awesome and open people.

God is doing amazing things!

Monday, March 24, 2008


It is one of the core values at RL, we celebrate what God is doing. All I can say is WOW what an awesome Easter weekend. I had such a great time worshipping with all of you and celebrating God's HELP - our salvation. What an awesome God we serve!

Thank you to the over 90 volunteers that made the weekend possible. we committed together to reach out to people around us. Well over 500 people celebrated Easter at Real Life.

God is doing something special here! I am so thankful that I get to serve with people who love without question, worship with an open heart, and follow God with reckless abandon.

God always shows up when we put our trust in HIM. I can't wait for tomorrow- to see what God does.

Salvation is Here!


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Real Help on TV (pt. 2)

Here's the rest of the list... See ya this weekend!

Tuesday, March 18
ABC Family
Adult spot 6:15PM

Animal Planet
Adult spot 4:50PM
Adult spot 7:50PM
Adult spot 10:10PM

Cartoon network
Kids spot 6:45PM

Kids spot 6:45PM

USA Network
Adult spot 5:20PM
Adult spot 6:20PM

Wednesday March 19
ABC Family
Kids spot 5:15PM

Animal Planet
Kids spot 6:20PM
Kids spot 8:50PM
Adult spot 11:10PM

Cartoon network
Adult spot 5:15PM

Adult spot 4:45PM

USA Network
Kids spot 4:50PM

Thursday, March 20
ABC Family

Adult spot 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Adult spot 5:10PM
Kids spot 6:50PM
Kids spot 7:50PM
Adult spot 10:10PM

Cartoon network
Adult spot 6:15PM

Adult spot 6:45PM

USA Network
Adult spot 4:50PM

Friday, March 21
ABC Family
Kids spot 5:15PM

Animal Planet
Adult spot 4:50PM
Kids spot 9:10PM
Adult spot 11:50PM

Cartoon network
Adult spot 4:45PM

Adult spot 4:45PM

USA Network
Kids spot 4:50PM

Saturday, March 22
ABC Family

Adult spot 10:45AM
Kids spot 1:45PM
Adult spot 2:45PM
Kids spot 3:45PM
Adult spot 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Kids spot 6:50PM
Kids spot 9:10PM
Adult spot 11:50PM

Cartoon network
Adult spot 6:45PM

Food channel
Adult spot 9:48AM
Adult spot 11:48AM
Adult spot 1:48PM
Adult spot 3:48PM

Adult spot 5:45PM

USA Network
Adult spot 6:50PM

Sunday, March 23
ABC Family

Adult spot 9:45AM
Kids spot 12:45PM
Adult spot 1:45PM
Kids spot 2:45PM
Kids spot 4:45PM
Adult spot 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Adult spot 5:10PM
Kids spot 8:50PM

Cartoon network
Adult spot 6:15PM

Food channel
Adult spot 9:48AM
Adult spot 10:48AM
Adult spot 1:48PM
Adult spot 2:48PM

Adult spot 6:45PM

USA Network
Kids spot 4:50PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Real help on the TV

Here is the schedule for the next few days of ads we are running on Comcast Cable in Vancouver. This list let's you know where you can look starting tonight.

Check it out and let me know what you think on the my experience page.

Help is on the way!

Thursday, March 13
ABC Family
Spot #2 6:15PM
Spot #1 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Spot #1 4:10PM
Spot #2 5:10PM
Spot #1 6:10PM
Spot #1 7:50PM
Spot #2 8:50PM
Spot #1 10:10PM

Cartoon network
Spot #2 5:15PM
Spot #2 6:15PM

Spot #2 6:45PM

USA Network
Spot #1 6:20PM

Friday, March 14
ABC Family
Spot #2 5:15PM
Spot #1 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Spot #2 4:10PM
Spot #1 5:50PM
Spot #1 8:10PM
Spot #2 8:20PM
Spot #1 9:50PM
Spot #2 11:10PM

Cartoon network
Spot #2 6:15PM

Spot #2 4:45PM
Spot #2 6:45PM

USA Network
Spot #2 5:20PM
Spot #1 6:50PM

Saturday, March 15
ABC Family
Spot #1 2:45PM
Spot #2 6:15PM
Spot #1 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Spot #2 4:50PM
Spot #1 6:10PM
Spot #2 7:50PM
Spot #2 8:50PM
Spot #1 10:50PM
Spot #2 10:45AM
Spot #1 11:45AM
Spot #2 12:45PM

Cartoon network
Spot #2 4:45PM
Spot #2 6:45PM

Food channel
Spot #2 9:18AM
Spot #2 9:48AM
Spot #2 11:48AM
Spot #2 1:48PM
Spot #2 3:48PM

Spot #2 5:45PM
Spot #2 6:45PM

USA Network
Spot #2 5:20PM
Spot #1 9:50AM
Spot #1 10:50AM
Spot #1 11:50AM
Spot #1 12:50PM
Spot #1 2:50PM

Sunday, March 16
ABC Family
Spot #2 9:45AM
Spot #1 11:45AM
Spot #2 1:45PM
Spot #1 2:45PM
Spot #2 6:15PM
Spot #1 6:45PM

Animal Planet
Spot #2 4:10PM
Spot #1 5:50PM
Spot #1 8:10PM
Spot #2 10:10PM
Spot #1 11:20PM

Cartoon network
Spot #2 5:45PM

Food channel
Spot #2 10:48AM
Spot #2 11:48AM
Spot #2 12:48PM
Spot #2 1:48PM

Spot #2 5:45PM
Spot #2 6:45PM

USA Network
Spot #1 9:50AM
Spot #1 11:50AM
Spot #1 1:50PM
Spot #1 2:50PM
Spot #1 5:20PM
Spot #2 6:50PM

Friday, March 7, 2008

Taking a look around

Sometimes I get real focused on what I am doing. It's like tunnel vision but it effects my hearing as well. I just don't see or hear stuff around me or people for that matter. What would happen if a took greater interest in what is around me? Good question!

I am preparing for this week's message on blessing... it started me thinking, do I get tunnel vision with God? Am I missing out on God's blessing or simply failing to recognize his blessing in my life?

I think it is the later that God blesses and I just keep on walking and fail to praise him for all the good he is doing. Or worse yet - I fail to receive his blessing... bummer.

What about other people, am I blessing people around me? Do I miss the opportunity or simply fail to see it? Maybe I am blessing others, maybe I am touching others but fail to recognize the significance in it. Take a look around. God's blessing is everywhere.

Help is on the way... see you Sunday

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Sometimes help is no help at all. I called customer service at the printing place we use to see why my order was late. The answer was "because it was late" - that didn't help at all. It is like when you ask the store clerk if they have any more Jiff peanut butter and they respond, "is there any on the shelf?" No help at all.

Thankfully that is not the kind of help Jesus is offering us! It gives me great confidence to invite people to explore a relationship with Jesus because He offers real help.

Have you handed out any of the Easter invite cards? I have and I love them. People like the idea of getting some help. (By the way feel free to go crazy on the cards. I just received 2000 more from the printer.)

Real help is within reach, it is within your reach. Who will you reach this week?


Monday, January 28, 2008


Sunday- God moved in amazing ways. Ken and Lynelle were such an example of the power of God's grace. It is open to each one of you-a free gift. God spoke to me of his Great Love.

Sunday- My friend, officer Mark Zlawy lost his life. My grief was so great. My heart was broken for Patty and the kids. We cried together and held each other. In it all, God's grace was there. His peace in the midst of the storm was so strong. God is not a concept- HE IS REAL.

At his house we talked about Mark and his son Dawson getting baptised at Real Life. I did not lose a friend, I know where he is.

God 's word says, "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38 -39 (NLT)

The Passages of our lives

I miss you Marko- see ya when I get there.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Looking Ahead

January is a time for me to look ahead. What is it that I want to be able to look back next year and see? The things that I really put my focus on tend to be the things that actually get done.

So what is it that I want in the new year?

1-Connect with an increasing # of people who are far from God.
2-Engage more people in serving others at Real Life
3-Provide opportunity for people to grow together
4-Grow the Real Life Family
5-Encourage everyone to trust God with their finances
6-Follow God's vision with reckless abandon

Just a few things but what would happen if we accomplished all of these?

I know God is Big enough. I know we are on the right track. I know that now is the time. So here we go - are you with me? Are you ready to have your life blessed like never before?
God is up to something Good!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

blogging again

Hi everyone,

Blogging again...I want to share with you during the coming year on a regular basis some of the things that are happening in my life and in the life of the church. Everyday there seems to be something new happening.

I know that God is preparing all of us for something awesome this year.

I have some questions for you.

Are you expecting God to use you this year? You can be the key to what God wants to do in someone's life.

What would you like God to do at real life?

Who are you praying for to draw close to God?

As we expect God to move our eyes are open to what he is doing.

The time